Saturday, 10 December 2016

Why Instagram is so popular

Instagram is a mobile photo-sharing app, but is also a social network. It resembles Twitter with followers only for you don't post a text update, you post a photo instead. The app allows you to add photos using a any type of filter and you can also share your picture to your Facebook profile or Twitter account. But why is Instagram so popular? I believe it's because it's social, I love to share about the things I buy, what I eat, sometimes what I'm doing, or even hanging out with friends. You can post about anything for your friends or others to see. It gives users the ability to add a little bit of creativity into their day. Instagram is a great way to follow your favorite TV shows, celebrities, bands,  and even different types of fitness, fashion or makeup accounts. You can follow whatever you're into. Instagram allows you to check things out by using the hash-tag the same as Twitter. For example if I wanted to use #winter2016, it'll bring up any type of picture that people are after posting about winter using that same hashtag. Instagram also gives you the option to post videos too. In my opinion, this is my favorite social media app. I check into this more than Facebook (and that's quite a lot) you could say I'm a little addicted.. in saying that, I think Instagram will be very popular for a while and I certainly encourage people to look into using it!


  1. One of my favourite apps for sure! I love all the different filters you can apply to your picture, and the use of hashtags make it so easy to search a show, certain product, etc. that you may be interested in!

  2. I have to agree Rebecca, I love Instagram! It's a great app for sharing and pics! I love having the options of playing with my photos before I post them. It can make them more creative or more intense, or even more beautiful!

  3. I know for myself I can do without Instagram, but for my girlfriend, well shit. If it isn't the dog, it food, if it's not food, it's makeup. And that list goes on, her and all her friends are wrapped into it so tightly, there is no saving them Jim...they're dead Jim. haha. But don't get me wrong I do see the pros and cons with this app, I mean the ability to follow say a writer I like and see how far they are in the newest book they are writing or a Game Dev team and see sneak peeks of a new title coming out from them, that's pretty cool.
